the Teacher Training Course

teacher training course 2024

Die LehrerInnen-Ausbildung, Abschluss von Therese und Thierry
teacher training course 2018

        • Teacher training course
        • time table 2024: (Monday to Thursday)

15.-17. July


03.-05. September
09.-12. September
16.-19. September
23.-26. September
30.-02. September/ Oktober

07.-10. October
14.-17. October

05.-07. November
11.-14. November
18.-21. November
25.-28. November

02.-05. December
09.-12. December

Preview 2025

“Connect 2025”: we are looking forward to coming together for our school meeting in Berlin/Brandenburg at the “Marquardthof” from the 29th May to 1th of June 2025 (Thursday to Sunday). The event will start Thursday, 29th of May at 5 pm and will finish Sunday, 1th of June  at 1 pm.  


Our school is acknowledged by both the national Alexander Technique association (ATVD) and the Affiliated Societies (ATAS, the international association of national societies), as well as by the city government. Students can make use of this to receive reductions.

  • New: four mornings from Monday to Thursday!

Classes take place 34 weeks a year, 14 hours per week, you can participate 4 days from Monday to Thursday, 9:00-12:30. Holidays follow more or less the official Berlin school holiday plan.

  • Annual Teacher Training Course plan, see above!!

The teacher training course involves 1600 hours of study within 3 years and three month. Fees for the teacher training course amount to € 460 per month. After successful completion of the course you become „teacher of the F. M. Alexander Technique, ATVD.“

Classes are a mixture of practical and theoretical work in a group of max. 15 students, with the director of training and one assistant. Practical work takes up about 80% of class time.

You can begin the training course at any time, as long as there is a free place. Some trainees may see the training as a means of supporting or furthering their personal development and may not wish to practice the Alexander Technique as a profession. This is a legitimate option.

Alexander´s principles form the basis and key element of the training course.

Each student explores these principles in working on himself as well as in exchanging work with fellow students. In the last year of training students practise working with volunteers. This enables the student to pass on the acquired knowledge independently and creatively after completion of the training course. Aside from the traditional approach to learning the Alexander Technique we occasionally work with methods and texts from such fields as music, dance, acting, and education.

The Alexander-Technik-Schule Berlin is directed by Jörg Aßhoff, but understands itself as a team of teachers. Members are:

Joerg Aßhoff | Director of training: has been teaching since 1993 in his own private practice. In 2004 he founded the „Alexander-Technik-Schule Berlin”. He is a moderator at teacher training courses in Germany and France.

Petra von Ondarza | teacher: began studying the AT in 1985 in Paris while training in contemporary dance and Contact Improvisation. She has been assisting on the training course since it opened in 2004.

Teresa Wiesehöfer | Assistant: Studied drawing and sculpturing. Since 2015 teacher of the Alexander technique in the training course.

  • Ulrich Bitter | Assistant | deputy head of the training course: has been giving lessons in the AT since 1992 in his own studio. He was member of the board of ATVD (German society of Alexander teachers) for five years. He has been assisting on the training course since it opened in 2004.
  • Petra Pachaly | Teacher: Since 2022, she has been a member of the board of the Alexander Technique Association Germany e.V., combining her interest in body and mind with business know-how. Since 2024 teacher of the Alexander technique in the training course.

Nina Rotner | Assistant:  founded in 2018″Alexander Tehnika Slovenija”, a forum where regular international exchanges, specialist courses and seminars on the Alexander Technique take place in Slovenia. Nina specializing in working with musicians.

Wilfried Hanefeld | Moderation of training course: has a university degree in pedagogy and qualified as a teacher of the Alexander technique in 1983. In 1984 he was a founding member of the Gesellschaft der Lehrer für Alexander Technik e.V. (the German society of teachers of the Alexander Technique, now: ATVD), whose work he developed and supported actively as first resp. second chairman for ten years.

Experienced guest teachers are invited to work at the school. So far, Wilfried Hanefeld (Freiburg), Bob Britton (San Francisco), Giora Pinkas (San Francisco), Shaike and Linda Hermelin (Tel Aviv), Yael Tam (Jerusalem), Aranka Fortwängler (Freiburg), Ulli Pawlas (Hamburg), Agnès de Brunhoff (Paris) and Tamar Sarfati (Rouen, France) have been here.

We are also in contact with several other training courses whom we visit and are visited by at regular intervals to exchange work. Currently these are the training courses in Freiburg (Aranka Fortwängler), Hamburg (Ulli Pawlas), Paris (Agnès de Brunhoff) and Rouen ( Maud Krhajac).

If you are interested in taking the teacher training course you are very welcome to join the class as a guest! Please make an appointment!



Blog by Marie Dzingel (in our training course):

Final thesis of the student Bille Dau, 2024: “Beyond Back Pain”
You can download the final thesis as a PDF-Datei file.

Final thesis of the student Teresa Wiesehöfer, 2012: “Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit in der Alexandertechnik”:
You can download the final thesis as a PDF-Datei file.

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